Golf Rehabilitation 690X504

Golf Rehabilitation & Fitness Program

The Golf Rehabilitation and Fitness Program at Gloria Sports Arena Health Center offers services to diagnose and treat golf-related spine or peripheral joint injuries to help you recover from injury or surgery, and safely return to the course. We also offer proper golf fitness and endurance training that is crucial to get the most out of your game and avoid injuries. Our experts are able to detect faulty swing patterns and golf biomechanics, limiting you to perform a powerful golf swing. We can ensure you are optimizing your game and minimizing your chance of injury.

Golf Fitness & Conditioning Services
Functional Movement Screen - FMS
Spartanova Golf Specific Injury Risk Analysis
Golf Specific Core, Lower and Upper Body Exercises
Balance & Stability
Individualized at-home exercise programs

Rehabilitation Services
Comprehensive expert physical examination
Evaluation of individual motion impairments with respect to the golf swing
Supervised treatment provided by licensed physical therapists and sports medicine physician
Skilled manual therapy and therapeutic massage
Lumbar and cervical spinal decompressive traction as needed
Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound evaluations as needed